Golden Rule PoolLogo Design Contest Logo Design Contest Contests / Golden Rule Pool Golden Rule Pool has selected their winning logo design. For $275 they received 88 designs from 11 different designers from around the world. Find out how LogoTournament works How LogoTournament works Contest Entries by kamidi Return to Contest Return to Contest Withdrawn New #69 Withdrawn New #35 Withdrawn New #42 Withdrawn New #34 Withdrawn New #40 Withdrawn New #39 Withdrawn New #38 Withdrawn New #4 Withdrawn New #10 Withdrawn New #43 Withdrawn New #41 Withdrawn New #22 Withdrawn New #21 Withdrawn New #2 Withdrawn New #3 Withdrawn New #25 Withdrawn New #23 Withdrawn New #20 Withdrawn Prefers others. #9 Withdrawn Prefers others. #8 Withdrawn Prefers others. #7 Discussion john haner Client I really like your designs. Would it b possible to change the black background to white? i have white work trucks this logo will be going on. gold/yellow doesn't show up that well on white so maybe a black outline around the letteringkind regardsjohn 12 years ago kamidi Logo Designer Dear CH,Many thanks for your feedback, it's really helped me.and I've updated my logo at Entry #7, Entry #8 and Entry #9.Just let me know if I have not revise logo according to your expectations, I'll revised it again.Best Regards,makinson 12 years ago john haner Client thank you for your helpcan you make the lettering gold/yellow and outline the letters in black? On entry #2 12 years ago john haner Client i like #10 i would like to see 'Golden Rule" on the same line 'Pool" can be on the same line or beneath....i will let you see what looks best also can you outline the golden rule in blue instead of black i would like to see it brighter 12 years ago kamidi Logo Designer Many thanks,I'll revise my logo ASAP after I arrive at home.Makinson 12 years ago john haner Client i like #35 very much can you make the logo smaller and the words largeralso can you put the logp and the "GoldenRule Pool" on the same line and can you make one with .com just so i can see it visually thank you againjohn 12 years ago kamidi Logo Designer Dear CH,before, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2013,and I am ready to work again on your contest. 12 years ago