thankyou for your entry. I am liking this, but I dont think this will actually appeal to women. It is a little bit crass. I know we said use the female form, but its needs to be appealing to women, and not men. Also the font you have used for Goddess, i think that could be a little more fancy. Reflecting curves and smooth lines you have going on in the image.
HI Fgrafic i am liking this a lot more. as you will see, i have ranked them. the font is great, much better suited. And the woman figure is also good.
the only thing id have to say, is that im not sure about the red box... i think the layout could be a little more creative. a little more interaction between the text and the figure.
can you try a different pose? we really like your style of illustration, but would like the imagery to be a bit more positive. She looks sad. We'd like her to be confident. She can be relaxing, but just not looking down. Can she smile?
just a couple of things, can you tilt her face upwards, to we can see her features? perhaps a smile?
and regarding #69 can you please look at changing the colours to silver, creme and gold.
I know this might look boring, but its what ive been told to tell you to see if it can work. The all the other colours are still in contention (and look great) we just want to see what it would look like using these colours.