We absolutely love your work thus far! Is it possible that we could #62 in a rich forest green or muted moss green rather than teal, please? Also, could you make the features of #60, 61, and 62 more ethnically ambiguous? At the moment, they look too European for our liking. Thank you so much and we look forward to seeing the revisions :)
We love your use of color and your images. But we would like to stay away from any religious iconography. We want our line to appeal to all women regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, and age. #80-84 are beautiful, they just don't work for our vision.
Can you round the nose on #61and #79 a little bit? Also, can we play around with the colors a bit? Maybe a darker purple to see how it looks? And try a lighter green, as well?
The profile is great now! Can we see #138 with the shade of purple from #79? Also, would it possible to maybe mix them a bit. Some green and purple on the hair and Goddess a different color as Beauty? We're curious how that would look.
Can we see #146 with the parts that are pink in a lighter brown? We're interested to see how it would look with some more earthy tones mixed in as well.
Can we also see the designs that are currently next to the name with the image on top like your other designs? And we'd like to see different fonts for the name. Perhaps using this? http://www.azfonts.net/load_font/goodvibrations_script.html
Can we see #188 as an outline and/or how it would look in black and white? Please comment when you are ready to submit, so we can move you back into first to accept them. Thank you!
Thank you so much for working with us! We really appreciate all the work and revisions you made. Your work is beautiful! Unfortunately, we've realized that the design doesn't lend itself well to our needs. Again, thank you so much for your time!