Another otion with the hairs within the circle. I'm not very sure from your brief but do you want the background of the logo to be blue? Thx in advance. Kind regards,
Hi Claudia Yes I would like to background to be blue - and use browns, greens - can you make one women more African and the other more caucasian. The green is nice can you use a darker one.
Hello and sorry for the delay in replying since I was finishing a very urgent project and just now got time to perform the changes requested on your feedback. I've also added the bellow half circles to complete the badge/stamp idea and make it more consistent. If there's anything else I can do, just let me know. Kind regards,
Since I've realized you like more an horizontal and white leigned layout, here you go my layout adaped. Wish you a great weekend and all the luck to your contest and organization. Kind regards,