Hi There I really like this - Could you try a different font on the Go FISH part? Also I was wondering if we could incorporate a NET in the inside of the inner circle to make it look like the fish was going in a net
I am glad that you like the logos, thank you very much.. Please check #31 - #36 , another variants of the logo as you requested. Let me know if there is anything else need to be done.
Great stuff - Thank you so much for all of the effort -Here is the final feedback I'm getting from my graphics friends - Take #31 and - 1) make outreach a bit more readable - maybe just outline the letters - 2)get rid of 2nd little fish 3) add net to bottom half only - subtle like the top half of #32 but on the bottom only and 4) I liked the way the G had an arrow before Also - is this a one color design? If we use two colors - I would like the bottom half of the Go Fish to be a deep purple because we talk about the fact that we are going to offer three level of events - Blue - purple and red so that would help illustrate that point thanks so much