Thanks for your design. could you make some designs without the graph in the image? Maybe to integrate the picture image more with the text would be a suggestion.
thanks for your new designs. Looking forward for more suggestions within the theme you have set up. Maybe you could visualize our core-business in other ways. Potentially, also a stronger Web2.0 style would we like to see.
Dear greenlamp, thanks for you new submission. including the web 2.0 design. Could we ask you to make a logo that is more distinct from the ones your already made?
Oh, one more thing regarding my original design: if 3- piece graphics (in the stylized "O") look a bit too busy, I could try two pieces. Please advise.
Thanks for the new designs, I wonder what the meaning is of those 3 piece element. Second, I know that we set it to more serious than playful. But could you provide an example with a more playfull font (one that is more round on the edges.
I like it, what about a little bit more bold (just to have an idea how that looks). I will elaborate with my colleagues. What happened to the design with the 3 piece element?
thanks for your new design. I like the way you use this stroke around the text. But it maybe requires an alteration to the font (maybe you can also experiment with some different colors).
it is probably not easy. We are also a little bit blank on how the designs could alter. So you have all artistic freedom. Also new suggestions are welcome.
we know we did not ask to include a globe in the design. The reason why is that adding a globe would be a too easy approach and the majority of the times it simply does not look good. Proof is that we received many design that included a globe anyway and this one is the only one that survived and it happened that we actually like the style.
If the designer believes that, against the odds, they manage to include a globe after our liking then it also shows their quality as a designer, so if you believe that you can make a design that will blow us away and that includes a globe then you are of course welcome to do so. However, we are 5 people that will judge the designs and the ranking chances from hour to hour. But Soon, you and Och@ are clearly battling for the first place.
I hope I answered your question, kind regards, Bram