I appreciate your help very much, and can see that you have lots of talent. Comments that you might consider are as follows:
1) You have done the best job with your several symbols. We like the symbol in entry #7 best with regard to design and color. For the company name, the blue you have used is very nice.
2) As a small matter, to help clean up copy, we can eliminate "LLC" from now on.
3) It is important to make "Web-Based Systems . Practical Exams" more readable. If balance is needed, it would be fine to use "Web-Based Systems . Practical Examinations". An option with the company name on one line with sub-title below could be considered.
4) In some way, in a triangle in the symbol or in some other way, it would help to be able to include "avionics", "electronics", and either "electro-mechanics" or "electrical". On the other hand, we will understand it we are trying to introduce too many elements. In any case, if you can, please let us know if you have any thoughts.
I hope these comments will help, and appreciate all you are doing. Thank you very much.
I uploaded a couple of new options without the LLC part. I tried to include references to the three elements you mentioned, but still keep the design simple.
We still like the style and the colors you used in the symbol in entry #7 (which currently is ranked #1). For the moment, please take this symbol and add it to the company name and subtitle that you present in entry #19.
Since sending you the last two messages, I have found support for your entry #19. Please disregard those two messages, and focus in the following items in the symbol.
1) It will be helpful to have a more colorful globe in #19. Perhaps you can pick up the coloring from your #7, which is quite nice.
2) Please move the airplane to the bottom pointing to the right. Please move the lightning bolt to the upper right.
In the subtitle, please change the line to read "WEB-BASED PROGRAMS . PRACTICAL EXAMS". I have changed the instructions to show this switch from "systems" to "programs". As another small matter, you can determine if it will be helpful to have centered dot instead of a period between the phrases. I do not have the option on my keyboard.
I realize that it is the middle of the night for you, and that you will need time for yourself on Sunday. You can get back to me at your convenience. Again, your interest and assistance are appreciated.
Hi Vea....You made some very nice changes. Thank you very much. I will get some input others in a while, and will give you any feedback that I can today. You do very good work. Thanks, Skip
With regard to entry #35, would you please try the following for us?
1) Use globe used in entry #39 2) Use all caps for company name 3) Use light blue for middle word "EDUCATIONAL" in company name 4) Use dark blue letters for subtitle
We appreciate your help, and would look forward to seeing an entry with these changes.
You do great work. Thank you very much. Can you locate the version you just produced that is similar to #74, but has the globe at the top? I tried to rank it #1 and was about to ask you to add some color, but strangely it disappeared after I logged off. Can you locate it and resend it?
Thanks again for your updates. I know it is getting late for you, and that you may want to follow up later.
For #74 and #83, it might help if you can brighten them up by using light blue instead of grey in the globe. At the same time, please use light blue instead of orange for "EDUCATIONAL".
As a question, did you already produce a globe like the ones you have in #74 and #83 with the crescent lines touching the three pillars as you did in #71? We are not sure if we are still missing one of your drawings, but know that one disappeared after I logged out.
I assume you're referring to #70 . I withdrew it since the end of the swoosh was somewhat fuzzy and it was bothering me. Anyway, here are some alternatives: #84 #86 #87 #88
Hi Lea....It was very nice of you to make all these changes late at night. Changes to ones now listed as #1 and #2 are very nice. Get some rest. We will get feedback from others later today, and can follow up with any thoughts on Tuesday. You are very talented. Thanks for all you are doing. Skip
Hi Vea....Most of our name and logo applications will require the globe to the left of the name, such as you have done in #74. It will help if you can provide #86 with the globe to the left. Thanks again for all you are doing for us. Skip
Thanks Vea. With input from others in our company, it looks like we will move ahead without including the initials in the globe. Without it will help if, at your convenience, you can fill in lines or fading lines or work on any other design elements in the globe that might come to mind. Thanks, Skip
Hi Vea....Thank you very much for your nice adjustments in #143. You have been good about coming up with creative ideas throughout the contest, and have been very responsive to requests. You are very talented and very dedicated. I am getting input from all in our business group during our day, and will pass on any thoughts. Thanks for your very good work. Skip
Hi Vea...I have enjoyed working with you very much, and have great respect for your talent and work ethic. You are impressive. I have been with you all the way, and have the sad task of letting you know your #143 will be in second place. I truly hope that Logo Tournament gives you some good recognition for this accomplishment. You and one other artist stood out as particularly talented and willing to do whatever it takes to get to the top. I hope you keep that attitude with you always. We could not have asked for anything more. Thank you very much for everything you have done throughout the contest. Skip