Hi Tinna....Thank you very much for your entries. You are very talented. I will get input from others in our organization by Monday, and will get back to you with any ideas or request. Thank you, Skip
We have received many good comments about your work. The use of a lighter color in the middle of the company name is very nice. While we deal in aviation products, we are trying to become as active in non-aviation areas. We realize that it will be difficult to capture our subject areas in a logo, and may be fine with a colorful, attractive, schematic globe.
Hi Tinna...Thanks again for all you are doing. Although we stated an interest in incorporating an triangle in an early statement, we decided later to just have a stylistic globe with no references to aviation. We would be interested in looking at any ideas you might have along these lines. Thanks, Skip
Hi Tinna....Thank you for all your entries and your very good work. For item #106, could we see a version with the sharp points around the globe eliminated. Just a rounded globe with the same colors and markings would be nice to see. Thanks, Skip
Hi Tinna....As a follow up request, for #104, please provide a version with the globe to the left of the name. Also, for #106, please also put the globe to the left of the name after the sharp points around the globe are eliminated. Thanks, Skip
Thank you for your feedback. Did I understand correctly - That you had in mind to remove the sharp points of the globe, or just rounding them? #118 I just parted globe from compass #117 is even more clear globe. Thank you?
Hi Tina....You nice nice jobs with #118 and #125. With #118 in a horizontal layout, the points around the globe work well. Thanks for all you are doing. Skip
Hi Tina....Please consider two minor adjustments to #118. First, please try make the four spikes about half their current size in length. Second, please add a little space between the words in the company name. Thanks, Skip
Hi Tina....Thank you very much for making the adjustments to Entry #142. I have had a request to look at #142 with the orange and green sectors of the globe changed to grey. I have no idea if this will look good, but will appreciate the chance to look at the globe with this change. You are very talented, and have been very helpful. Thank you very much. Skip
Hi Tinna...I have enjoyed working with you very much, and have great respect for your talent. I appreciate all you have done, and have the sad task of letting you know your #150 will be in third place. I truly hope that Logo Tournament gives you recognition for this accomplishment. You stood out among many other artist. Thank you again for all you have done throughout the tournament. Skip
Thank you and me. Third place will improve my rating. This is also a good call for us designers. The winner should be only one - the best. The competition was fierce and it was a pleasure to work with the team. Thank you!