thanks for the ideas. I really like the #67 as it depicts a spiral/vortex inside the globe. Could you develop this idea a bit further? And also do a rendition with gold color (high shimmer), and option with black background?
thanks you for this revision - I like a lot! Do you think we could work with 2 font colors on the name and slogan? Perhaps Gold slogan, or Gold GLOBAL or CONNECTA? What would you suggest?
Could you also add a mirror reflection under the globe? That might look richer. I would like this globe to be very shinny (like gold metal) - is that possible?
thanks. I liked #80 the best. Is it possible to get a shinier gold color (like gold metal). Could you also do a rendition of #80 with white background?
thanks. I see that you had to darken the golden color a bit so it would show on the white background. Is it at all possible to make the color shine like real polished gold?
Also, could you eliminate the shadow, and keep on the reflection of the globe? I think it might look cleaner.