Thanks for the entries... our favortie is #63 it's simple and straight to the point, but we'd like to see a little more tp it, it that make any sense. Possibly some colors, gradients, etc. Something that will make it "POP" a little more. Also on the written words, can you make it a more bold, a different font, but definitely easily readable.
Hey Ravellino, We are liking your designs in this order 1. #100 2. #91 3. #95 #100 we'd like to see the negative space in the M and H either cleaner or filled in similar to what you did on #99 where it goes more vertical. Also the font, we'd like to see something on the lines of #133 all caps but the M and the H are larger. And also aged. We really like the aged look of that and also something on the lines of #113 #91 looks good, but same thing for the font #95 looks really good we like the logo a lot. Once again it's the font that is our main concern. The only other thing that we'd like to comment on is if you can make the aged part of all the logos more of a random, sanded look like on #51 #119. the logo's look more like aged wooden signs. That's not what we are looking for. Also looking at the ".com" we'd like to see something like #119 where to .com is sort of intergrated into "D" Hope that helps and makes sense. Thanks again for your hard work and good luck.
PS. I'll be moving you to the #1 position today so you'll be able to upload your revisions...