and for #183 instead of 0 and 1's can we use like a web(spider web) so basically the entire ball would have like a web design n lower the opacity of the web a little.
Why cant i rank entry # 195? i dont see it on my available list of logos to drag to rank...also do you do a version with the word Glansz on the bottom of the logo?
We really like it because it resembles what we've been looking for. The many dots represents people. i understand you tried to make the G connect to show connection but it's hard to notice it. If you can improve it somehow without losing it's identity and in addition make another concept that would be great.
Ok looks like #195 has 1 of 2 chances to be picked. Few changes..
- To make the G a little more visible please turn the last connected ball on the top of the G to blue and unconnect. - Please use a different font for Glansz - Add the word Glansz under the logo - Change the color of the font to the gradient used in logo #184 - Change the letter n to green
Currently, the contest is in "judging mode". Only the first rank designer will be able to give you revision. If you could place me in first rank (till I give you revision), then it would be of great help to me. Thank You.
Much, much better! Thank you. Looks like the way it works is i have a week to decide among 5 so i'll slide another logo into the number 1 slot so they can make their updates.
Ok, Perfect! Everyone here likes #257 so you could remove the rest if you like..Someone would like to see the logo a little bigger and change the ball that's located inside of the G (the ball that comes closest to the back of the G. located inside..the furthest one) turn that to blue.
Hi Anung, yeah it's been really tight here..there are 12 people on my team that's been through this review process and it's almost been a tug of war between your logo and the one that'a currently number but many of use feel that it's too busy and in the app world simplicity is what sells. But really loved your design regardless.
Ohhh. Okay. No problem ... Maybe ... My design does not seem busy if the entire circle around the "G" removed. So it just seemed the letter "G" formed by small circles connected. Just opinion :)
But you know what..i had an idea in mind and i'm surprised no one took on the challenge to do it. If i was still doing designs i would have won this competition :)
Usually, a design that is removed will be submitted to the other contests. In addition, so the concept is not stolen. We (as designers) think "pretty hard" to create a design :)