I appreciate the thought that went into the heart variations. We definitely think that is going somewhere in the right direction.
Because the logo is going to appear on a mobile app icon, we are favoring logos that are "tight" in the sense that the word give and any symbols are closely incorporated. For this reason, 19 and 18 are standouts.
We like 19 because give is closely connected to the symbol. I also like that you have incorporated orange, but we have not decided whether the final product should have one or two colors.
18 is good because of the symbol. You have brought in three elements, the giving hand, the ripple and the heart. We like that. The hand is a little bit prominent, but still it is very interesting.
If there was a way to blend 18 and 19, we would like to see that.
I should add that there has been some internal discussion already about whether we want a heart shape at all in the logo. I know that sounds like I am talking out of both sides of my mouth, but just wanted you to know. If you have other symbol ideas that do not include a heart, it would be cool to see those too.
One other thing, the ripple effect is something we are very interested in. If possible, we are trying to connote that "give" is like a stone dropped in a pond that sends ripples out into the world. I can see that 32 is attempting that, but it doesn't work for us in this design. Would like to see more variations of this idea. Thanks.
Hi..we like 325, but the period has to be the same color as the i. The idea is that the i has given up its dot for the period, so it needs to be same color.
Also, some here think the period is too large, and looks like it is bobbing in the water. Can you make the dot smaller and look like it is just barely touching the water.