For #16, I would like this 1. to have a large diploma 2. some clearer text underneath getmetocollege 3. one option with the current layout 4. one with the figure to the left
1. if i choose you, can you integrate the logo i already have...with the four puzzle pieces. i love that along with your text? you could clean it up and make it nicer.
with number 34...i want my original logo there the words you can decorate or remove. if you need the file, i can get it to you... and then the rest is yours.
#53. i think this is my favorite so far. some questions. if i pick it, can i pay you extra to 1. help make it into an avatar for my facebook and twitter? 2. think of how later on to put in pictures of kids that i take myself?
my last concern is that we don't look too much like microsoft. can you doublecheck? if we do, how can we space out puzzle pieces so we don't get into too much trouble?
I'm going to go wtih #55..question is can you make the font of everyone deserves a chance or two points bigger so on business card and logo people read it... Merci beaucoup!!!