Hi Angelina, Thank you for joining what has become a contest loaded with creative designs. I appreciate your addition to the "Get Ready Coaching gallery." I like your rectangular GRC presentations the best. The GRC could be made a little more subtle by using a smaller size. The contest is pretty saturated with themes focusing on the GRC and banners. You have a nice new spin on this theme. To break into the top 5 or 10, you may want to introduce a fresh use of geometrical shapes, color (I am not a fan of pink or purple), and/or a diffferent old style (20's art deco) or something with abstract styling (3 different sized circles connected by a line???) or an organic shape configuration. Thank you!!!
I am in the top 5 mode now. I may bump you into 5th to see what you have done if you have completed work??? Thank you for your efforts and works of art!!!
That would be grate! I had internet connection problems yesterday and that's why I wasn't around. The other versions are ready, so I can upload them for you.
Hi Angelina, I really like my top 3 at this point. I would still like to see what you have done, so I have moved you into the top 5. Thank you so much for creating more designs. I am quite spoiled by this process! I can't believe the value that is provided through this process!
Hi Angelina, More amazing designs, I am so lucky! This has been quite an adventure. I really appreciate your effort and talent! I like #270 the best of the new bunch. The 271 option is a bit on the feminine side, but gorgeous. I like how you took the suggestion and ran with it. Just an fyi, there is a missing letter c from the word coaching in a few designs.
Entry 266 is a nice improvement. Entries 267-269 are very nice and follow 270. I am still attached to what other designers have done. I think the biggest challenge about this process is that I can see so many people - around the globe- putting their heart into what they do and all can't be rewarded.
I am going to keep working with the other designers from here on out. Sorry. I would leave the door open, but I also want to respect your time and energy as well as the time an energy that the other designers that I am leaning toward have put in.
Outside of the actual winner and top 10 rank, do you have any other suggestions on how I can plug, acknowledge, or assist all of the big contributors to my competition? I am just getting my business off the ground, so that is why I have the minimum prize elected. I can't make a payment to individuals... Let me know... Mentions on Facebook? Refer to friends to request designers? Ad on my site when it gets up and going?
Copied message from the message section of the site:
I did send commentary. In it I mentioned that I will probably stay attached to concepts by other designers. You can certainly create further if you like. I will provide more in-depth feedback at the very least as many designers have mentioned that my involvement level is a breath of fresh air. I could see design consultant as part of my life coaching mix- this has been so much fun and so unbelievably creative!!!
I hadn't seen the eye yet- that is very cool.
My wife hasn't seen many of the latest and had reservations about some of my favorites. She may notice some aspects of design and messaging that I will find important.
Would you like me to take another look to give you more depth of feedback?
What the "eye" really captures is the ready state sense that is fundamental to my business name and approach to coaching. It conjures up an image of how a cat keeps riveted attention on toy mouse (or real mouse). Nice work grasping the underlying meaning in this design!
Thank you very much for your feedback! It really seems that you're exited and enjoing the process. That's grate! Most of the CH here are not iven half enthused as you are! You will find a heart here as soon as you're sharing yours with us :)
I appreciate all the time you spent writing and it was a pleasure and big fun working for you.
About your last request I will let you know as soon as the contest ends.
Thake your time and choose the best for you! Have a sussessful new beginning!
Best regards, Angelina
p.s. I just saw the eaten letter but got excited as well and not even saw it, till now :) Sorry. If you want I can fix it in a flash!
Yes, go ahead and fix all of the missing C's. I plan on doing a final rank with consideration given to the one thing I can still provide (some points) to those "winners" that don't actually get paid for their fantastic work with "Get Ready." Thank you!
Hi Angelina, I have lots of communication with my top 3-4 ranked designers that indicates that their design work is most likely to result in a win or a top 3 finish. I will move you up temporarily if you can tell me a good window of time that works for you to upload so it can be brief before I re-rank. I appreciate that you keep creating. I want to continue to be upfront with you on the attachment I still have to the top ranked designers.
For the minimum prize, I am floored by how many designers have poured tons of energy into my contest!
Let me know what time works for you and perhaps a brief explanation of the design. Thank you!
I really am pretty set on the designer I am going to use. If you haven't already completed new designs then I am going to hold off on anything new in the mix. Let me know. Thanks!