Just want to give you an idea of what I'm looking for. The gems I will be using will be pearls, turq., ext. So I want to eliminate anything from looking like a diamond. I would like to see something like a necklace of pearls or maybe a silver chain with a pendant ( maybe a nugget pendant of turq., or a pearl. I like color just not black. Number 20 and 21 are closer to my style then your others. Hopefully I gave you some info to work with. Look forward to seeing some more of your work.
Just an idea.. I like #23, can we make the circle bigger, put Gem-Wear in the middle, and sprawl out the pearls? Maybe use a light turquoise faded back ground? Sorry if I'm being a pain.
Not a problem at all, I kinda enjoy designing for your contest, it's fun! :) #26 #27 and #28 are these closer to what you've envisioned or I haven't understood you right?
i know that you worked with an idea I gave you but it kind of looks like bubbles :) I like the faded color background you used on #29, and also the font. Anyway of making the bubbles look more like gems? I would like to see them more sprawled out as well. Or maybe using the the different size circles and creating a necklace? Number 21, can you make that into a pendant on a silver chain??? Sorry if I'm not making anything clear, but I myself am not sure what I'm looking for. When I see it then I will know. Hope to see more!
Love the new concept. Just whant to see if we can add a few changes. On # 35, can we change the gem to a cream color ( like a pear ) then put the whole logo (including Gem-Wear) in the circle like on # 31. Would also like to see #31's background color.
I hate to be pain... Not sure if I'm feeling the women's face, no way of doing just a neckline were the necklace falls right in place? Also, anyway of thining out the silver necklace so it's not so bulky?
I like number 36 but would also like it to see it with the other pendant. Maybe lightning up the purple a little so Gem-Wear stands out more.
Don't hesitate to comment - the logo has to be perfect in every single detail as you have envisioned it. Please let me know if my new entries are step in the right direction and what has to be changed.
So I think we are almost there :) On #41 can you make the gem round or a tear drop but without that little dent you have on the right side? Can we also see a few different fonts to see which I like better?
On # 44 can I see that with the other pendant?
And on #40 I would like to see more of the pendant (looks a little small) along with a thinner chain.
I've uploaded the changes you requested as well as some font variations, please let me know what type of font you like the most - ornament, handwritten, more simple?
Hi Ivan, I like the font on #54 and #48 best. If I were to choose, I'm leaning more towards #31, #46, and #48. On number # 31 I would like to see the chain a little thinner. Do you think you can play around with it a little. Make a thinner chain and have it spool as if you left it on a table?? Not sure if I'm explaining it well.. I think it's missing something.
Jennifer, I think I understand what you've envisioned. When you told that about the left on the table chain I thought that these look exactly as table on which we have left the necklace, and even sprawled out some gems on top of the label Gem-Wear, af if the whole composition is some treasure spilt on that table in an offering to your customers and on the bottom as most priceless are the words Gem-Wear - the ultimate jewel. This is just a vision I've tried in #64.
I like # 67 but would like it better if you put Gem-Wear underneath like on # 31 with that same font also. On the neck pieces, although I like it, it does seem a little like a cartoon, which is not what I was originally going for. My original idea was for a light black outline of a womens neck. I know you've been working hard and I appreciate it, very much. I just want it to be right, seeing that this will be my logo for a very long time (hopefully)..Again, thank you for working hard!! Hope to see a few more updates :)
#68 #69 #70 #71 #72 #73 #74 #75 #76 and the lucky number #77 :) - Variations on your comment.
Please let me know if I'm getting closer to the neckline graphic you have in mind I really want to make your idea come to life in this logo so don't hesitate to comment on every single detail.
It's always good if you have some image, photo, picture of something else that resembles your idea and can help me.
That last set, PERFECT! I'm just going to go through them all and decide what combinations I would like together best. I promise, the next change will be the last :)
I was going to keep them for the last hour of the contest, because I didn't want to get all my designs displayed for all those who would join the contest in the end and just use everything I've worked on for days in this contest, but as I see it now there is no point in saving it. Pitiful, that's how things work around here in logotournament.com .. somebody works really hard on a given contest and in the end there's a whole bunch of weak designers who don't want to spare much time on a contest but are very good in using something that's almost ready as a concept and colors and rework it (or blatantly copy it) in order to win. Somebody comes reads all the comments and directions CH gave on his leading designers and ..voila! He's ready in an hour with something that somebody has worked on for days.
I was just about ready to send you a personal comment. I would agree that this sucks, I hate to disappoint anyone.. I know that you worked extremly hard on this and I do appreciate it all! I think you did a great job taking my comments and working with just that. Although I really liked yours I hate to say that there is one that fits my style better. This is a logo that will be with me for a very long time.. In saying that I want to THANK YOU for all your hard work, I really appreciate it! I wish you good luck on your future competitions!!
Don't worry, it was my mistake to start with - I knew from the very start what is the risk and how things work around here but it seems I was too eager to work on this contest and couldn't resist it. It happens very rarely - to spend days on a single contest and I should know better from now on to not let my passion for a single contest cloud my judgement.