La mia prima idea. Quattro "foglioline o finestrelle" per simbolizzare "real estate". Not only this represent RealEstate in a very subtle way (leaves/windows), but also supports the software mobile application theme as well. Hope you like this, Grazie
this reminds me of a Park or city gives a very mobile feel because there is usually lots of foot traffic in city parks (this discretely touches on the RealEstate aspect of your product, but will not confuse your a realestate company.
Really like the icon. Especially #180 could you just use a rounded non-italic font and create a variation using a blue instead of the grey? Really like the green tone too
The blue is fine but could you pls modify #180 too? Really need to change the font, don't like it sorry; you could also try a variation with non-capital g in the word.
I think the blue is a little bit too strong. Don't like all-caps; still need some working at the typeface. COuld you also pls try a variation excluding the shadow behind the icon
I've received some feedback a a lot of people perceive #214 as a logo for a "green IT" company which we are not.
Could you pls apply the following modifications?
- in the icon substitute the "laves" with something similar to #185 (pls keep the same colouring tecniques you already used in #214 ) - could you pls verify that the "o" in the word has the same height than the other letters?
could you just pls try to have the leaves in the icon of #254 in the same position like thos in the "o" of the word geeom in the same logo? Just want to check.
Could you pls also try in #254 to place the right-most vertical line of the icon at the same "x-axis" of the rightmost vertical line of the "O" in the word?
I'd go with #292; a lot of people are still misunderstanding your logo as for a "green IT" company which we are definitely not. I think that partly because of the leaves (which btw is a shape I really like) and partly because of the colours... or the green.
Should you choose a different colour combination, that's as cool as this one, what would you choose? Can you try?
If you flip horizzontali both the icon and the "o" in the word you obtaing something that - matching the two" could be seen as a letter G (try just with the outlines if you want to see the effect by yourself); could you pls try this variation too?