Hello, My idea is to keep the logo simple and easily recognizable. The icon is a combination of G F and D. Because of the nature of the business, I think the icon need to portray strength like the structure (framework, if you will) of a building. I did a few color combinations, but please feel free to suggest any changes. You feedback or any suggestion is appreciated.
Thank you so much and I like the design a lot. I will be in touch with the client and check back in with you. I tend to like the colors in entries 6 & 8 but the design of 7 but don't change anything, the client may prefer the colors you have in 7 and I know modifications are easy to make as time gets closer and their tendencies may be different than mine. I am very grateful and that is a sweet photo.
I just wanted to thank you again for your entries. I really like the way you are incorporating construction in the design. At first I was not as fond of the hammer only because of how often it is used and was leaning a bit more toward the brick look but I like the way you used the construction element as a part of the G. It is more recognizable in #27 so I think I am going to back in and re rank them. That one is growing on me a lot. I am waiting to hear from my client but will be in touch with more details.
I am trying to create the logo with an icon that would still be recognizable as a stand alone icon. Should I switch directions and not try to incorporate the "G". Any feedback would be appreciated.
You have really don some great entries. These are some of my favorites. I really like 125 & 123 and feel it is a nice change from the G. The client still like the G in the logo but I am trying to get them to branch out a bit. I should have some additional conversations with the client tonight. Thank you so much.