sweet, i like! can you make the .com box look like a little smart phone or basic gadget the robot is holding, nothing complex just a little frame around it with button?
also maybe a more modern ".com" (but still clean & legible simple font) perhaps a sans serif "m" that looks more like M..
looks great, i like what you have done. Just think phone could be a little more over the robots hand so it really looks like he is holding it. good job heru
#17 is my favorite. I would suggest moving arm or robot over to right a bit to the t in gadget is more visable.. and i love the flashlight, can you make a beam come out of it ?
i still like #17 the best, structure of logo is best when robot is not farther away, perhaps by just making him slightly bigger but not moving him to the right, you can get the "t" to show.
Also can you make a laser come out of flashlight?
its nearly what im looking for
also i love the alien eyes, robot is perfect. i just dont like leg or arm covering the "t"
but #18 he is too far right, which makes it looks like 2 pieces. keep working on 17, and try to make robot just a little bigger so t is readable, and put a lasrer coming out of light
Great i like the logo and am thinking it is the winner. I would like to request AI file also when I have chosen, you can put all designs of new logo #40-45 in one AI file if you want. Also send EPS and JPEG
thank you it is a very good logo and I am pleased, i will select winner by wednesday
hehe cool, i still think i like the alien eyed robot king baby the best, i love it.. maybe you can try put sme purple shading in his armor like with the cyclops, but so far you have my favorite logo ,