Entry #82 & #81 These are great! Very very sophisticated! I really like these! trulyART can you give me a few different variations of these styles just with different fonts for the word "Cosmeceuticals". I love the G2, but can i just see different font options for "Cosmeceuticals"
Thank you Upon their feedback, I'll try to fix as you requested, Sorry if still not appropriate because of my limitations in translating your feedback. please see in my design #88 - #96
Thanks so much Truly Art! Thankyou for adding the "Younger Acting Skin" slogan, but after seeing it on the logo, it looks better without it. i don't think i like it, the first ones you did were better.
The font i like for "Cosmeceutical" in entries : Entry: #88 Entry: #96
Design #127 (G2 in cosmeceuticals in orange and black) Design #168 (G2 in orange and cosmeceuticals in gray) Design #169 (G2 with the black line added and cosmeceuticals in gray)
Dear Chelica DiLuzio Can I remove / withdraw to a design that no rank? In order not to look too much that makes me confused Thank's u so much
Hi Chelica Please see the design improvements sessuai with your request All had been using the Pantone (Pantone black, PMS 021 and PMS 877) Design # 414_full Grey (PMS877) Design # 415_hanya "i" which use gray (PMS877) Design # 416_tambahan 2 times thicker lines Design # 417_tambahan line 3 times thicker Design # 418_tambahan line 4 times thicker I will continue to try to satisfy what you are asking Thank you TrulyART