#10, #11, #15 - I like this, but I think the "1" needs the 'hook' on the top. I like the black background and the colors. #19 Still something off for me. Don't really see the G1 in the frame. # 22 & #26 Sorry, just dont care for these at all
#45 I really like the G1 here. Its a little different yet is clearly a G1. My problem here as with just about every other entry at this point is the underlying text. I need Picture Framing to at least have the same emphasis as Custom.
Just an idea, but maybe instead of putting the words under the logo, put them out to the right. This would allow them to be equally weighted?
#55 & #56 I like the G1 inside the frame a lot better. I like the frame in 50 & 51 better. Actually, If you could come up with a frame that had a little more flair...looking more like picture frame, that would be even better, just don't overdo it.
I may need different backgrounds. I know I like the colors on black. Some variations might be good if we can get the rest of it nailed down.
Hi Gary!Sir!!If you need any changes plz let me know...i dont use over embossed coz its hard to print....another question for you...do you want acrylic frames like transparent!!
Thanks for all your work. In the end you tried to give me what I thought I wanted. But, that's why I am not a designer. I ended up going for more flast. Something that really grabbed my eye.