Love entry 139. Can you make a few alterations? How about a keyhole similar to entry 152, and use the silver color in entry 69 in combination with the blue. Let's do away with the red altogether. i think it is a matter of finding the right color combination in the logo and the name as well. Can you give us some different options? I am very excited about where this is going. Thank you! Oh yeah. Please change Loved to Love in the tagline.
This looks great. 167 is really nice! I like the blue and the silver color. I want to play with some different colors besides red. We do not want any red in the logo or the name. I am not sure if we should stick with silver and blue only, or if we should try to introduce another color as well. Can I see a design with silver and blue only? Is there a purple or lavender color that will blend with the blue and silver? I would like to see a design with three colors in the logo. I am open to ideas. I believe if we can get the color worked out then we will accept the design. Again, I appreciate your work. Thanks so much!
Hi again. We really like the grey G Factor. I have a change request that I hope translates in this message.
1. The first change we wish to make will introduce the word 'Factor' into the vertical line of the portion of the letter G that connects to the same pieces as the keyhole on the logo.
2. Or you could add the word 'Factor' to the horizontal line and move the keyhole to the bottom of the vertical line in that one piece of the logo so we can see what that looks like.
3. Can you remove the words G Factor underneath the logo altogether, and just keep the tagline underneath the logo?
Thanks for these! Entry 208 is very close to what we were thinking.
1. Can I see it with the word Factor put inside the long vertical stroke of the letter G?
2. Can I see it with the word Factor put inside the long horizontal stroke of the letter G? In doing that, you will need to move the keyhole. Can you place the keyhole down in the dark space between the two strokes of the letter G?
This looks very sharp. Great idea to set it on a black background to make it really stand out!
These look so sharp. Thanks! It makes the decision difficult. Really leaning toward entry 212, but first, can I see entry 214 with the keyhole moved over and placed inside at the bottom of the vertical line? Just trying to find the best place for it.
Ok, last one I think. can we see entry 215 just as it is with one exception. Make the vertical line a line all the way down. No bubble on the end where the keyhole os located. Keep the keyhole at the bottom of the vertical line where it is now. That part works. Thanks!
You did an awesome job. Your assistance and patience is greatly appreciated. I know there are standard files you deliver, but I have some special requests to add if you could:
1. Can you provide two formats of the .eps file? I think my client has old software that needs and older version and I need newer version. They requested the file be 12 point, but I do not know what that means. Do you?
2. I would love to have a simple black and white version of the logo
3. Can I get the black and white version but with that glow effect layer too?