We love the color treatment on #49, but the style of #42. On #42 can you do the color treatment of the top part of Future being black, and the part that is gray now, the blue like the bottom of #49. We like that the #49 looks like a sunrise - the gradiated Blue. So want to see that same sunrise effect but on #42 Thanks much!!
Hi Thanks for the feedback. Here is the version you requested. I will be uploading some other variations (especially font) to try and make the wording a little bit more visible.
We really like number 56 and want to see if you will reverse the color - to black on bottom and the blue on top.
today which is black to the future which is blue - so maybe gradient the color
We would also like to see if you know how to do flash to animate the logo? We would also like to see if you would want to work with us on other collaterals with our logo?