Can I some more like #29? I'm excited about this concept. It is my favorite so far.
1. Can I see it without the magnifying glass 2. Would you use a white background on a 30" wide x 18" high sign with this logo. I think this logo has changed my mind about having a dark background on the sign
I have done redesign in entry #45 . I use the size 1000 x 800 pixels for the size of the background and can be enlarged according to your wishes because I created the logo in vector format (coreldraw). The format of the logo can also be changed in adobe illustrator or photoshop. Thank you for feedback.
Entry #29: Is there anyway to do this with a dark bluebackground and use yellow and red.
I sent this to a lot of our real estate agents and it is the most popular design so far, but several of them don't want a white background because the sign shows dirt too much and has to be replaced too often.
I like #29 but it definitely needs a colored background. Something the rest could pop off of. You could even change the colors of the logo if needed to better fit a dark background.
Because you have an eye for color and design, would you select a couple of dark backgrounds and present the concept with colors you think would work well with the background. I'll present your concepts to the 49 people who work here for a vote.
Hi Mike, I like #29, but think it should be in different colors. I would recommend using the same colors that are on your MS Woods signs now, but this design. It's catchy and fun. The graphics make the message clear and interesting.
the colors are dark blue background, yellow and red in the grahics
I'm sorry I'm late for some of my logo designs are also asking for a revision in a few contests that I follow. I have already submitted the revisions you requested on the entry #59 with a combination of yellow and red with a blue background. I hope this is as you like. Thank you for feedback.
Agif, can you darken the blue to look like my msWoods logo at The dark blue in that logo is the background color I'm looking for on the sign.
It has been brought to my attention that there is a competing site with the name Therefore, if we separate Fun from, we may send a lot of people to the wrong website. Will everyone please keep the name together so that doesn't happen.
It has been brought to my attention that there is a competing site with the name Therefore, if we separate Fun from, we may send a lot of people to the wrong website. Will everyone please keep the name together so that doesn't happen.
#29 I and the majority of the other people like this design the best. Can you change this around so that FunHome are together on one line and is on a second line and still use the graphic?
Agif, I really liked your original design 29. Entry #152 has the same house.
The only problem with the original #29 is that was on a line by itself. Classified Ventures, owned by Gannett Publishing, has a website named If I leave on a line by itself, I will end up sending traffic to there company instead mine.
The only problem with #152 is that is all on one with the house above it forcing a reduction of the size of the text on the 30" x 18" yard sign.
Can you rework this design so that FunHome is on one line and is on a separate line and work your house into that so that it still has the feel of your original #29. I think it was #29. It isn't here any more for me to be sure.
Work with me on this and the $300 will be yours in just a couple of days.
Agif, #154 is higher than it is wide. Real Estate signs are wider than the are high. The logo design including any graphic must b 1/3 as high as it is wide. Or, the width must be 3 times as large as the height of the logo