What I really like about entries 4 & 5 are the hands. Good to see a human element in a logo about housing. I'm torn between the two because four does a great job of having the focus on the hands or house, while 5 has a virtual embrace by the hand. I like the way both are headed.
I still like No. 4 & 5 better. The hand is human element enough for me. But don't delete 19 & 20 because other people at my office may disagree with me. I'll consider their opinions, but I'll make the ultimate decision.
Also, we've been tied to light brown and light blue for 10 years now. I'd like to see if versions of 4 & 5 in deeper brown and blue would look bolder and more dynamic. They look good as is, but I worry about them being too light.
I like No. 75 better. Glad you were able to get it in just before the deadline! We'll have several people at my office offering their opinions now during the judging phase. I think this logo will be better received by people around here if it looked a little less like a church and more like a house. I think if the window were squared — or even a door instead of a window — it might sway some people here who would point out that it looks more like a church than a house. That also could possibly be achieved by reducing the white space between the thumbs and hands, which make the awnings of the building come much further down than a house would be. That would be my last bit of advice. Good luck in our staff judging.