hello, No. 6 is a better option but, I'm thinking something that is more "thin" with some fruit on it but not as much, may be surrounding the letters and this ones in colors may be red, yellw, green or something like that. also we are a starup company and would like to give the image of a fresh, new, modern and even elegant, one of our goals is to be in top supermarkets and niches with top quality fruit and veggies, also some of the produce we handle is avocado, limes, mangoes, berries, tomato, peppers, etc. so you can play with that. if you can give a 3D impresion, or something that makes it look modern would be great.
No. 10 it's more like it, I would put the stripe underneath the FV&M and the friut and may be in a curved way and use a little more curved or less sharp letters, also some limes, mangoes, and light color friut woulb be good instead of some of the red ones in the right, may be palying a little with the fruit in between the letters could be an option, and/or some a few (2-3) fruits in the back of the letters, also the letters could be of different colors I thinks it looks better and may be some effect like decreasing/increasing the intensity of colors could give it a more sophisticated touch. finally I was thinking that may be a dark background could make the colors look more intense and alive, may a dark grey or metalic grey or black could make it look good and little more fresh with a touch of seriousness.
number 13 and 14 can work better, just some suggestions, about the lettercase I think somethig like the letters in number 18 (if you can see it) would be more like, also on the colors a more intense and bright red, orange and green it's better, something more like they would look in a real fruit. also if you could put the name of the company in red (fruit), yellow or orange (veggies) and green (& more) it's what we are using right now and I think it looks better than palin red. finally a thinner lettercase could look good but just a little thinner ok, no too much.
just to note number 30 gto my attention too i think is good too