Thank you for submitting your design, both I would like it to have frontier health with the same type of letters and naturopathic clinic and dispensary in smaller letters, as well some lavender color.
Entry #4. I like the way you put the contrast of colours into the logo as well as conveying the frontier idea with the arches. How would this look with the words on 2 lines and the logo to the left of the text?
Thank you, #1 I would like to see the small purple line in yellow; #2 Could you do the green in the inside heart a bit wider, so it is more colorful? ; #3 please could you add the letter h at the end of health and add a bit of yellow, just a hint; #6 I would like to see the image either circle it and add some yellow and or lavender color to it.
#67 could you please make the lighter leaf a darker colour, perhaps darker than the lower leaf. Also, have the 2 bigger arches purple and the smallest one yellow. Thanks.