After you pick a winner (LT requires a different designers in the second and third place positions.
After that I'll upload the winning files. Then after you use the approve files link I'm allowed to send other variations and files directly to you via email. Thank you so much- Kent
We are pretty much declaring you he winner I just need a couple things. I need the Craftsman changed to craftsmen (sorry I caught it earlier and forgot t say. Also can I get the fonts that you used so I can play with it in other advertising areas. Thank you for your help we love the logo.
Sure thing. I ran home for lunch break so I'll try to make a variation now. I might not be back till a little later this evening since my family is taking me out for my bday. I'm here to help on this and I'll be here for you even after the contest is over. Thanks - Kent
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After that I'll upload the winning files. Then after you use the approve files link I'm allowed to send other variations and files directly to you via email. Thank you so much- Kent
Thank you - Kent