Freeway FoodiesLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / Freeway Foodies

Freeway Foodies has selected their winning logo design.

For $275 they received 73 designs from 9 different designers from around the world.
























Prefers others.
Prefers others.


Hi There,

We LOVE design Entry #20. Could you please add our slogan to it...

"Freaky Food-n-Fun from a Fifth Wheel"

Thanks and we look forward to seeing your ideas!

10 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm sorry but I am out of town and unable to get to the file. I would run the tagline in yellow below in arch on place of the yellow line.
10 years ago
Okay. I can still keep you in the top 5. Will you be back over the next five days at all? Let me know.

10 years ago
Logo Designer
I'm sorry but I am out of town and unable to get to the file. I would run the tagline in yellow below in arch on place of the yellow line.
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Yes, I will post it Monday.
10 years ago
AWESOME because every time we look at that sandwich with the olive wheels, we seriously bust out laughing! It's a great design and we will keep you in the top 5 so that we can continue to work with you.

Thanks and have a great Sunday!

10 years ago
Hi Joe,

We realize that it's early yet on Monday, but we are just checking in to see if you still plan to add the "Freaky Food-n-Fun from a Fifth Wheel" slogan to entry #20. We are REALLY looking forward to seeing it. No pressure... just checking in because time is ticking away.

We hope you had a great weekend and thanks in advance for your work!

Warmest Regards,

10 years ago
Hi Joe,

WOW! We LOVE the new logos with the added slogans. AWESOME!

We particularly love #55. Could you do some revisions for us? We hope so!

1) Could you put the slogan UNDERNEATH the yellow line?

2) Could you provide us with some different color options for the slogan? We are not so sure we like the red. Perhaps you could try black, dark green, or another color? Use your creative force! :-)

Thanks so much,

Caroline :-)
10 years ago
Hey there Joe,

We LOVE #58 and we think we know what it might need to be even better...

Right now, the letters "f" Freeway Foodies are LOWER case. freeway foodies

BUT, the slogan is all in upper case letters. We think that's what is throwing us off.

1) Could you make the "F" letters in freeway foodies CAPITAL? Freeway Foodies

2) Could you please change the slogan to the following upper and lower case letters:
Freaky Food-n-Fun from a Fifth Wheel. (it's a combination of upper and lower case). Please keep the slogan in Green and could you also give some breathing room (just a bit) between the yellow line and the slogan? They feel kind of close together. Thanks so much...

We feel that this will help the Freeway Foodies part take on a larger presence that the all caps slogan and give better balance to the design. We could be wrong, but we'd love to see these revisions. We hope you have time to do them as we are down to the last 9 or 10 hours of revisions for the top 5.


Caroline :-)
10 years ago
Hiya Joe,

We ADORE #62 and it's ALMOST THERE! The capital F's in Freeway Foodies is great! It gives it more command over the slogan. Also, the breathing room between the yellow line and the slogan is perfect. It feels more in scale with the slogan now. Thanks!

We have TWO small finishing touches/revisions to #62...

1) In the slogan... could you please capitalize just the "f" in Fifth and just the "w" in Wheel? Please leave "from a" lower case. It should read like this: "Freaky Food-n-Fun from a Fifth Wheel". Thanks!

2) The color of the new slogan is a bit light. Could you find a green somewhere in the MIDDLE from the original green color in #58 and the new green color in #62? We think a happy medium is the ticket!

This logo is SO COMMERCIAL and we love its simplicity, yet it's amazing branding power!

We look forward to seeing the requested revisions above...

Thanks so much...

Caroline and the Foodie Freaks
10 years ago
Logo Designer
You all have a good eye. The suggestions you have made were what the doctor ordered. I was so stuck with the lower case F's. That was a great call. The change of the slogan from upper case to lower case was great too. The first font I used didn't have lower case letters so it forced me to pick a different font. The new font reads so much better. Thanks for the input!

10 years ago
Hi Joe,

We don't know if it's good eyes or just A-type personality perfectionism! LOL!

Thanks for being so open and willing to work with our revision requests. You're such a pro! A marketing friend of ours loved your logo so much that she is going to use Logo Tournament for her next corporate project. We gave her your profile info so that she could invite you to her contest. She was so impressed with your work and wanted me to ask you if you were in the restaurant or food graphic arts industry. She says your work is top notch and we agree! We also respect her opinion and when she's right, she's right! :-)

#63 ROCKS, ROCKS, ROCKS and at this time we don't have any other revisions. This logo screams success and the merchandising potential with this logo is over the top.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for making this process so fun and we will see you in the judging round!

With Gratitude,

Caroline and the Foodie Freaks
10 years ago
Logo Designer
Thanks for the kind words. It was fun working with you and the project was challenging. I don't work specifically with food graphics but have done several logos and t-shirt designs for restaurants. Thanks again for inviting me to your project. I had a blast.

10 years ago
Hi Joe,

We had a blast too. In fact, we are totally stuck and can't decide AS A GROUP between your logo #63 and the logo by Rapunzel. We are 50/50 at this point, but here's our plan and we hope you will go along with us...

Since your logo is AWESOME and totally DONE (no revisions necessary), we are going to start another contest and invite you to submit entry #63. Once you submit #63, we are going to END the NEW contest EARLY (as early as they will let us), so you will be the automatic winner, get paid through Logo Tournament, and it's all legal.

Would you be open to this? We ask because 50% of us want your logo and the other 50% love Rapunzel's logo and we are NOT going to be able to decide in the time logo tournament has left for us. We are practically fighting over this! It's all good, but if you are open to doing this (and we hope it's legal), we need to put Rapunzel in 1st place so that we can continue to receive revisions from her (not sure if she is going to get to them tonight though) during the judging phase. Since we have no more revisions for you, and because we don't want to lose your logo, let us know if we can get you in the second (new) contest and end it early declaring you as the winner.

This is the only solution we could come up with.

Thanks for your consideration!

Caroline :-)
10 years ago
Logo Designer
That is fine If it's legal. I don't want to get kicked off the site for breaking any rules. Just let me know.
10 years ago
Just sent you a private message. We don't want to get kicked off the site either. We don't think it's illegal because Logo Tournament will still get their portion, you will too, we will get what we want, and you will show another win.

Please go and read your inbox for your messages. The second contest was just created and is active.

Thanks so much and we look forward to working with you...

Caroline :-)
10 years ago
We just checked the contest rules and nowhere did we find that starting a new contest and inviting an artist from a recent or other active contest is illegal. It's totally fine.
10 years ago
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