Take the logo from #1 and put it in front of the text from #1. (before the "F")
then try one with it at the end (after the "s")
the chciekn from #4 is really good but the thing is that i really want a REAL chicken. like a photo, with glasses photoshopped onto him. Does this make sense?
but i really like the style of #4 with the book becoming an underscore of the text
Can we try find a real chicken and photoshop some glasses on?
just my opinion, You will have to use your logo in different sizes and simpler drawing is better choice. less is more Anyway I will try to find some more realistic solutions...
Could you make the LDA smaller and try it below AND above the IES?
I would like the call the brand with the cigar FRANGO PREMIUM, so have one logo without the cigar as per number 24, and one with the cigar as per #43 but with text of FRANGO PREMIUM.
Both should be with the Everything is Fine and the LDA
When you give me the images, I would like separate ones for the chicken (with and without cigar), the Red text and the black text (all separate) so I can use myself separately.
I know thats a tall order but I would really appreciate it
sorry, i sent a message but obviously it didnt go thourhg
i like what youre doing here.
could you try the sunglasses without the white border. not border. and then maybe try with a red border like the border for the chicken head (the darker red, thin line)
For Frango Premium, I want to remove the LDA! But perhaps try put in small letters underneatht the entire thing, in black plain italics: A division of Frango Industries, Lda
okay i see. yes i agree the original feet are better. Anything with the "hair" or tail? I dont actually want to change the original image that much. maybe font type and colour? what do you think?