Thank you for your design, it is very nice and we like it a lot. We do have some suggestions and ideas that we would like you to try.
- please move the circle to the left of the Text so we can see how that would look - is it possible to try something else instead of a circle? - could you please bold the text 'curvaceous lingerie & clothing' - to make it stand out a bit more - although we asked for red and like the red, we realize that it might be too much red, can you please add some more colors of your choice that you think would look nice with the red? - the background on our site is red so although we want a red base for the logo, we probably should reverse the colors so it's white on red vs red on white... can we see how that looks. We might have to revert back to the red and try to change the website but it's a template so not sure how easy that is to do.'ve immediately captured our idea of something elegant and nice, thank you.
ENTRY 3 AND ENTRY 5 ***************************** Ok... so entry 5 - I take it you're showing us how it would look with a red partners prefer Entry 3 to look like entry 5
ENTRY 1 and 5 comment I like the circle with the little curvy thingys at the bottom from Entry 1 (my favorite so far) but my partners don't like the circle, they think it's a bit too much with the curvy FB and the curvy FranBlass... can you try the following:
1st option - for Entry 5, can you take the ball from Entry one and put it where the FB is.... then, the curvy line at the bottom continue it under FranBlass to separate FranBlass from curvaceous lingerie & clothing.... use same fonts
2nd option - can you do the same thing above but show FranBlass with a less curvy font... everything in the same Edwardian font above might be a bit much but would love to see it.
There are three of us that have to agree on the logo and so far we are split between yours and the other gentleman ranked #2. One of us loves yours, one loves his and one is inbetween... we have therefore decided to invite our friends to help us make the decision.
For your #20 entry, if you could just put it on a red background, so it's red and white, it would be great. I don't think we have any more changes.
You've been great and we really appreciate the time and effort spent. Have a great day.