Wow! You made some fantastic updates! Do you have any other ideas for behind the "FWC" in the middle? I do not want to give the impression that we are bigger than we are. For example, we only do business in the northeastern part of the USA, and the middle part of the logo reminds me of large corporate global. It was a very nice choice for the design, though. Thank you for your work.
Hello. I would like to see this logo more simplified. I think you could remove the rope look with the wheel handles going around for this style. On entry #53, the center part is very good and I don't want to draw attention away from it with so much going on. I also would like to see it in silver tones with the blue instead of gold. Thank you so much.
Hi, Only the 1st ranked designer will be able to submit entries. This contest is currently in judging mode. re arrange the ranks, so i can submit new revision