Dear Sahlan,
We all like the new entry, # 123. Thanks! Could you make the following changes please?
The Mark:
1. We like where the mark is located, but can we just see it to the left of the type?
2. Please show us what the arch will look like with a bit more white around the stars.
3. Finally, we'd like to see what the arch will look like in solid gold. We might like it better the way it is, but we just want to see this.
The Type:
1. We've recently learned that we need to add two words to the front of the name. Sorry. The complete name has to be: Nexstar Legacy Foundation Partner Program.
2. Please make sure you emphasize the words "Partner Program." We're creating this new logo for this program. Almost all the other logos emphasize everything BUT the Partner Program!
3. Please try putting a few words in reverse, so we don't have all positive type on a white background.
4. Feel free to add a bit of color to the type, like the maroon color, but please don't overdue this.
5. Finally, we like the way you've balanced serif and san serif type. Please maintain this.