Thank you. No, this is great to show our client the possibility. Several of the members of our team really like this one , we will be showing all your logos and see if this is a style that she likes, we can keep working on it. I'm meeting with her tomorrow, so will keep you posted.
I like the idea with the H, maybe this one is too thick, might be confused with a hospital sign. Is there a way we can make the "H" less bold? Maybe curvy, or an outline as you have done in #58. Something a bit different needs to happen with the H. What about incorporating your heart and leaf directly into the text. For example "Foundation of Health" and then the H in Health is stylized like you have shown here. Would that work?
This is interesting, where the heart belongs to a person, But I think the person needs to be more refined perhaps. Looks a little like it's geared towards children. Is there a way we can make the person more "sophisticated'?
What about if we think of the word Health, changing this cross for an abstract "H" and then changing the color of the word "Health" so that it matches? Something like that??
we like the little heart in this one. Can we minimize the "T" somehow. Reminds us of the cross, and sick people instead of health. Thanks, we really like your designs
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You're welcome, what do you think?
should I change the name to the other logos?
Let me know please.