Hello, we like #47, is it possible to incorporate generic jewelry item into logo also? Cross necklace, cuff bracelet or ring? Thank you, very intriguing logo
Also, #50 is very interesting, can you add jewelry like that style of colorful logo?
We love the bird #51, but we are not sure that it translates to Christian jewelry. It is very sweet, any ideas how to keep the styling on it and make it more Christian jewelry theme?
Hi Lilia, nice stuff... on the latest round logos #113-118 can you get the word jewelry in one of them? Also on the BIRD logo #51... any ideas on making the bird logo more enhanced with Christian symbolisms? like cross, or Christian fish, or crown of thorns or 3 nails? thanks for you ideas
Hi Lilia, We have another idea for your style of logos... can you work on an idea with 3 Nails.... the nails could be like Old rugged nails, wooden spikes, horseshoe nails.... or rail road spikes... what do you think? What about a "flying graphic Eagle with spread wings"....??? thanks again, Bill