Hi Stickie, have to say that we like your vision on this project... could you incorporate or make a new logo with 3 Nails.... and also have one with the word Jewelry with the word Forgiven (Forgiven Jewelry).... Thanks again for your effort and quality! Bill
Please keep in mind that if you like any of my concepts I can change the style/font colors etc to give the same concept a different look ... hope that makes sense..
my personal favorites among my entries are #95 and #96 because they have a nice classy look that would be perfect for a jewelry brand... It relates in a smart way both to ''FORGIVENESS'' and to jewelry at the same time because the crown of thorns is an interlaced design knotwork which is very typical for jewelry design.
I will also look geat when stamped on metal and used as a medallion which would add to the brand recognition value...
Hi, sorry, we do not understand the game and all the ins and outs about the stages like all the designers ...and we are very torn on what we like & want from day to day - hour by hour... we always liked the thorns idea.... when we walked away to clear our minds, and came back we wanted the thorns in the top 5 for real, and you were gone.... One thing... if it is not much trouble can you add "Jewelry" to the logo... thanks for coming back in... Bill