Here are some updates, I left text alone as you said you liked it, I did change the icon, made it much more simpler, it looks pretty abstract, it is a combination of F and S letters, f being the prominent one of course. It is also made with an angle so it looks like it is accelerating, that was the idea. Is this one better than last one?
While I like the colors, I'm not the biggest fan of the "wifi" design here. Could you continue to play around with the design element here? Again, I like the fonts and colors. Thanks!
Hello, I tried to keep it really clean and simple. Font is customized a bit on some letters, overall colors are shades of blue, and icon is very stylized f letter, it almost looks like wifi signal, wasn't aiming at that, just wanted to have something technical and simple. If you like the concept and you would like to see some changes, just let me know.
Regards, H.
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Regards, H.