Thank you Outlaw Designs for all these submissions! Of them, my favorites are: 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. I like the simplicity of 8 and 11 and the fact that I really like the word Philanthropist and it stands out clear and bold.
What is the O in # 12? Could that possibly be replaced by a globe? Just a thought. May I make a comment on that color green? Is that acceptable? Is this color green the coolest right now? A lot of people are using it and if I go with a white business card, I don't think that color will stand out very well. So please educate me if I am incorrect or help me understand how using that color would be beneficial. Also - FYI, the second word in the company name is not capitalized: the, not The. Thanks again for your submissions.
Much better. Thank you. Not sure I like the shades of greens on # 30, but this is closer to what I am thinking. Would you mind, showing either one of those with the globe with a darker green please?
Good evening OutLaw Designs. Thanks for submission # 75. It is interesting. I like the bars. Did you play around with a world or globe with that design and opted out not to use it? I am leaning toward designs that have a global look and feel to them. If you decide to play around with this design, please make the two words: For the larger.