I really like this. Can you show "For Such A Time As This" bold rather than "College Preparation Resources".
Can you give me some color options for the boy reading the book?
I like the youthfullness and simplicity. I'm going to be using this as a banner at a trade show, can you put in some shadows or background designs in without it being to complex.
The background sphere with hourglass is good, but can you fade it a little more? Perhaps make it bigger but more thing the background? Right now it is too disconnected from the boy reading. You also loose the definition of the boy's back with the sphere in the background.
Also, can you etch a globe flowing/pouring through the hourglass? If you do this make sure you don't just have America showing but Asia and Africa.
New direction for the boy. I threw the logo to a test audience and they all felt the boy looked like he was using the bathroom. Get rid of the sphere and have a large hourglass standing with the boy sitting on the ground leaning against it reading? The boy's legs could be crossed or even stretched out resting on the text.
Concerning your hourglass, can you make it less modern? A little more traditional.
Also, can you have "Encouraging Thoughtful Christians to become World Changers" at the bottome below the boy and text?
Look at #47 & #48, can you combine the globe idea with your character in the center? It may look too busy but I would still like to see what it would look like