while i like your visual of the FootSpring in the logo - I'd like the logo to represent footguru (the whole company) and not just the footspring product, so please create a logo that is broad to comfortable, light feet. Also not looking for the slogan in the logo. I'd be interested to see yellow, notice all entries went the orange direction Thanks!
#1 - As the FootGuru is a podiatrist, I'm helping him with his marketing. He has some very spooky medical looking foot illustrations with bones on his website, so I see you are playing off that here. But I'd like to stay away from the medical look of the foot, and instead give a friendly consumer look. Thanks!
For the font, try FootGuru -- all blue, and F and G capitalized. i like the block letters but the font seems similar to what we already have in the current logo - can you make the letters have slightly more personality/friendly less square and basic? (sorry dont know how else to describe)
I like where you're going with entry #7's foot image... the important part of the foot is to show a nice arch (no flat feet :) I like the placement of the image in #1 -- just iterate on #1 image with a more complete foot and nice arch
We like #6 but the foot is a bit too big, looks like its squashing the word. Can you make it smaller and keep it up top? also try putting it above and to the right like #7?
Also please captialize G
the favorite fonts are #7 and #15 - can you try a mix of these requests and we can see what matches up best?
Also would you try doing a color background with white font? As it is now on our website, the logo is sitting on a colored background. Thanks!