I REALLY like the white font on Blue. I like the image placed both above FootGuru and to the side, as you've done. FootGuru - we're looking for a Capital G
the image you've created is cool, but we're trying to stay away from the footprint and doing something more stylistic. check out the current foot profile shape we have on our website.http://www.footguru.com/ Could you do something with that, or in that direction?
Feedback: - The foot image – FootGuru will sell other products aside from the footspring so we do not want to show the actual FootSpring product in the image – so 61, 62 and 63 don’t work. - #43 – I like where you were going with this, can you simplify it a bit? Incorporate a few less small dots within the footprint? Try a few different styles of a footprint.
- #63 I like this look (circle above FootGuru) minus the product image), make sure in you try putting a footprint in this one, replacing the foot image with product
- The Font, I like the F and G with caps. Can you also try making the font a bit thicker?
Thanks for your work! 23 hours left! Let's do this!
#119 #120 Hopefully these are what you wanted to see. Not sure though with your comment regarding #63. Do you want to see the dot style footprint with the product in it? Please elaborate.
#119 & #120 - I wanted to see this yes, but you are right, the smaller dots inside make the image look more complete. Hm... Here also, now the size of FootGuru is smaller in relationship to the image - is that because we capitalized G? I like the size scale between image/word in #43 - FootGuru is bigger and stands out more vs the image being dominant.
#43 has a more finished look. Could you try adding back a few small dots, just not as many as in #43?
#63 - sorry that was unclear. We do NOT want to have the product in our company logo. So please do designs without the product. I like #63 FootGuru and the size of the circle above - but remove the product and add something else in the circle. Go more retail style vs abstract foot, interested to see what you'd come up with,
Thank you. Your initial design still looks the best - you were right.
My request is to see what you can do providing a more "retail" look to the image. THe current foot is very interesting and smart - but its abstract and artsy. Imagine this going on a product that is going to sit on a shelf at wallgreens or be purchased in a catalogue.
Regarding to my initial designs, I was trying to give you the unique possible logo so it will stands out in the crowd, so that people don't confuse the product to some foot cream so to speak. Also, I keep stay away from actual footprint image for some reasons; to distinguish it from outdoor activity imagery not to mention its gross in someway.
I have uploaded a few ideas (#200 #201 #202) based on your request on retail looks. Hopefully what you wanted to see. If there's anything else you'd like to see, anything at all feel free to let me know.
I understand that you feel another designer has used your concept in their work, and they have since taken down the logo. I'm sorry to hear you feel this way, I know working in this shared open environment must be challanging at times.
However, his image with the footprint in the circle is what I am looking for in a retail looking logo. You have mentioned that is not your style and you think its gross - I respect that. But that means we just have different styles. But I ask that you please work with me in this process and allow me to choose the design that I like best. I've put a lot of money into this and hope you understand my perspective.
I've contacted the owners at LogoTournament and they suggest we perhaps can agree upon a split of the contest earnings between you and the other designer. Please consider and let me know what you think.
That was just my opinion. I don't get to decide what design to use for your product, you do. If you say you need the actual footprint image I can give you that. No need to ask other designer to do that and borrow my idea.
I don't agree on split the price because technically this is still my idea. He just happens to use different footprint which I can do too if you want - no one can protect the footprint in this kind of contest.
This is what I think. I will change my designs and please update the ranking so I can upload them.