I replaced the foot fingers with hearts because: - I wanted to suggest the foot is feeling happy with your products - the customers love your products - your products give a "well-being" feeling If you like my idea, I will develop it further with different backgrounds / color combinations / fonts / layout. Thank you.
I like your concept. Its very charming. Makes me smile. Do you have any other concepts aside from the hearts? I like your asthetic - the color combos and the layouts you've created... but I'm not sure that the hearts will win. Might be a little too light and friendly, we're still a business and the products are developed by "the footguru" a doctor of 40 years... thanks!!
Thank you for your feedback and appreciation. In the attached "Footspring Customer Feedback Quotes 6.22.pdf", I saw the answers of 4 women and only 2 men. So I concluded your target audience is more feminine than masculine. "... but I'm not sure that the hearts will win." I really appreciate your sincerity. All the best.