FootFlingLogo Design Contest

Logo Design Contest
Contests / FootFling

FootFling has selected their winning logo design.

For $350 they received 79 designs from 16 different designers from around the world.
























Logo Designer
Hello, here is my first proposal. Playful and fun with style.

Revisions welcome.

(This comment references Entry #8)
13 years ago
Entry #8

I like the overall concept but I think there are some things which could be changed. Some of these changes are definite the rest are just suggestions.

1. The font in “foot” seems too thick to me, especially the first “f” it looks very squatty. I like that you tried to differentiate the two words with color and font but I think I would like to see something more elegant for the word “foot” - this is definite

2. The figure of the woman is quite large in comparison with footfling and because of the way it’s positioned the entire composition seems very heavy on the left. It’s also very cramped above the first “f” with her leg so close to it. I don’t think she should be larger than the first “f”; I would use a different larger font for the first “f” and shrink her down and turn her toward footfling. Symbolically it’s better if she runs towards footfling rather than away. – this is definite, but if it ends up looking terrible - I'll change my mind :)

3. I don’t think you need a lot of details in the woman; it’s her body language which sells the image. I think you might even be able to get away with a silhouette, perhaps just leaving the shoes pink – which might draw more attention to them – this is just a maybe - it might not look good without the pink dress.

4. I think you could lose the shoe in her hand, her body language really says it all. Of course without the shoe in her hand you will need to change the position of her arm to be more like the trailing arm, it won’t make sense if you leave it up there; she'll look like she is running from the police or something. She is already so small it’s difficult to tell that’s a shoe in her hand and if you shrink her down it will be even more difficult – this is a maybe

5. The word fling is more flamboyant – perhaps it would be better in pink and foot in black – this is a maybe.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
Thank you for the review! Will revise everything for you today.

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Some variations with revisions. More comments welcome, I really want to get this right!


(This comment references Entry #10)
13 years ago
OK, I like the overall composition but I think the fonts are actually too fancy now. I like fonts with thin flowing lines, but when there are too many curly cues, it is hard to read. For the word "fling”, I would stick with the font you had in your first submission #8. For "Foot" I would try to find something with a simpler "F" - the rest of letters "oot" seem fine but that "F" has gotten a little crazy.

I've decided I like her better with the pink dress.

Have you considered moving her front foot a little bit forward? I don't think she is running but she is moving pretty fast; when people move quickly their forward foot tends to land slightly ahead of their bodies rather than straight underneath. I would move her foot a little bit forward and her body slightly back away from the first “F”.

I think I prefer the tag line to be straight across.
13 years ago
OK I see that the comments get added to each of your submissions - the comments I just posted refer to #10
13 years ago
Logo Designer
like so?

(This comment references Entry #18)
13 years ago
Entry #18 - Yes this is what I meant as far as the foot placement, I think it looks more natural now. I still think there is an issue with the first "F"; I want the website / logo to feel accessible and that "F" strikes me as being too ornate.
13 years ago
Logo Designer
shoes hanging off of the "g"

(This comment references Entry #23)
13 years ago
Logo Designer
another fun variation

(This comment references Entry #30)
13 years ago
#18 - I hate to ask for another variation but do you think you could make a version of this all in one color? I uploaded a file called FootFling Dancer.bmp to the "Contest Brief" - this was my original concept before I started this contest. A couple people who are helping me judge this contest think the logo would look good all in one color and they like the color in the first concept. - Thank you, sorry for the bother

13 years ago
Logo Designer
Wow Stuart, what a coincidence that the original concept matches almost with the concept my very fist entry!
So I assume you want to see the logo all in red? Will do.

13 years ago
Logo Designer
one color

(This comment references Entry #40)
13 years ago
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