This is our favorite so far. I love how you combined a symbol of community (smile) with an element of foodservice (cooking). Great job! The only comment I'd make is that we don't want to be known as "Foodservice", as this is the name of our industry. The .com portion has to be emphasized as well. Thanks!
I really like this version as well - as it also emphasizes community. If we were to spell out completely, I wonder if we could have the little triangle coming off the dot in the i…while maintaining balance?
Thanks so much for making the changes...I'll need some time to look at them for a while.
On a separate note, we're running another contest for I'd love to see any ideas you might have for this if you'd be interested. We're looking to combine "search" and "restaurants", but I'm not really happy with the submissions so far.
Thanks for incorporating the changes. While I like how compact the two latest logos are, we do have to include ".com" with equal weight as it's part of our name.
Quick note on the words "food" and "service". In our business, both are of equal importance, so I wouldn't want to emphasis one over the other.
I think what would work here is to keep the green in food (a perfect color for food), and the dark grey in service. I would also want both words bolded like "food" in entry #35 - almost matching the width of the symbol above it. I think this also gives the logo better top/bottom balance.
Not sure on the fonts yet as I really like both of your choices. I'll need more time on that one.
#40 - I like this version a lot, but it's probably too friendly for what we're looking for. I'd rather keep the letters horizontal with "food" green, and "service" dark grey. I like both fonts you've chosen.
Thank you, you are right it looks more friendly than my other entries, and even more now that the contest has been flooded with smiles. I am also working on another concept and will be submitting shortly. BTW i like a lot what you have ranked for the other contest, great combination of icons. I will try to beat it though :)