Thanks for the feedback!
Just seen your messages, if you still wish to see the changes and you are willing to give me the opportunity to upload (only ranked top5 designers can upload in this phase of the contest), I will gladly make the changes.
I've seen the nested Floyd County in capital letters and don't prefer it...But, I'd like to see this R in Record capitalized and the Floyd County nested in between the R and the stem of the d.
Instead of a STAR, could you use a domed building graphic--to represent the idea of "county"--maybe make that graphic grey. We want RECORD to be the primary focus. Not a fan of the 'arrow'--maybe just make it a block.
I'd like to see the Floyd County settled inside the word Record--So, capitalize the letters in RECORD. Stretch the R and the D taller to border Floyd County. Change the star to blue.
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Just seen your messages, if you still wish to see the changes and you are willing to give me the opportunity to upload (only ranked top5 designers can upload in this phase of the contest), I will gladly make the changes.
Without the green line: #137
Got it!
This is my proposal for your consideration. I am open to customizations if you wish to see something changed.