Thanks for the chance to participate! Please consider submission #13. Turned the F into a classic clapper to form a relevant and memorable word mark. If you would like to see any revisions, please ask. ~Geoff
What a nice surprise to see your logo. I like the color you chose. Is there anything you can do to include a watermark or symbol. Nice concept reflecting film festivals.
Hi, Diane. My pleasure! As a film buff, your contest is especially appealing. I am working on your requests/revision right now. Will post more submissions soon! Thank you, ~Geoff
Okay -- revisions uploaded. Fixed tagline to read "Indie Movies OnDemand." Tried the reverse versions. Also. I think the 'F' IS your icon : ) Thanks. Ready for further direction... ~Geoff
From a production standpoint, the 'F' would animate quite nicely. You start with the regular 'F.' The top part lifts, the diagonal bars fade in, it claps and slides back into the cocked position; something like that... (Thanks for indulging my brainstorming :)
Wow. Really nice!! I can see how the F can change as the icon. Very nice. I don't have any input for now. Just soaking it in. Will get back to you after I do!!
Really nice work. Love to see what a web treatment would look like with this!! hmmmm... : -)
Ok... your work is absolutely amazing! I see a comma after films. is that to make it sound a certain way. Do you think we should reverse it again and say ondemand indie films?
Hi, Diane. I'll show you! Also -- wanted you to see and comment on #81 as an icon so I can play with color and typography. If you're not feeling it, that's cool. Yank it and we'll keep tweaking the others. ~Geoff
Coolio! I'm all over it. Stand by... (Thanks for the kind words ; ) ~Geoff
(#81 evokes the "indie" genre. Film fans readily associate the laurels with great films -- which, let's face it -- are mostly indies. The popcorn crowd responds more to "four-stars" and quote-marked snippets from might-be-real reviewers. I say let's flesh it out and see what we end up with...)
The Feedback is they love it. Its very official. Comment was it loses some of the on demand (social) feel. Not sure if that is color choice or doing something to it.
I love it, but i guess we want to bring that it forward with the ondemand Hulu and network feel too.
Very difficult cause I love this one, but their point is good.
#105 and #106 Figured I had to go all-out artsy on one version. Pretty clean and crisp. Feels 'indie,' too... Your call. I create, you get to rate ; ) ~G
Hi, Diane! Trying to resist using a film visual (35mm strips) since we're digital now. And I'm fighting not getting cutesy with a TV set (especially a tube TV instead of today's flat screens). Still thinking, though. And if there's anything you'd like to see, please just ask! ~Geoff
What would 87 or 107 look like with a grey or white background. I like them and started thinking about the two backgrounds that they will have to be able to transition to.
You are really creative and thank you for giving this such great ideas!
The branches were a big hit. Maybe if it were with FLM. TV in the middle of it was one suggestion.
The Flapper is neat... I think its just starting to boil down to the feel of it. There's this playful social feel that seems to be getting people to take a look at the others. Although everyone liked your design consistently.
The only thing comments were giving it a more "social (media)" feel.
Otherwise... you have great ideas and creative. Thank you.