It difficult to get a gauge on which direction to go initially. That is why I'll try various to see which way to move. Do you prefer the flatter two color look or would you want me to try these ranked design in flashier looks? How about the fonts, or colors... any combo or revisions you'd like me to try?
Just let me know. :) I'm also stateside (California), so feel free to ask for any changes at any time.
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It difficult to get a gauge on which direction to go initially. That is why I'll try various to see which way to move. Do you prefer the flatter two color look or would you want me to try these ranked design in flashier looks? How about the fonts, or colors... any combo or revisions you'd like me to try?
Just let me know. :) I'm also stateside (California), so feel free to ask for any changes at any time.
Any feedback will be appreciated. Are you looking for simpler, more complex...
Is the logo you uploaded yours and are we allowed to make a derivative of the logo? Any feedback would be very helpful.