#25 I like the color, but not the font. I would like a clean font. Also would be nice to see the icon to the left side instead of above. Flat Fee should all be one color. Keep trying!
#29 is cool, dont like the line separating the icon and words. Would be nice to see the buildings full size with mabye a shadow under, but even (in height) with size of the words.
still like #29 but without the line. I like how the buildings look in #25 except would like them on the left. This logos is for a website, so #31 wont work. I like your style though keep trying.
Hello, I know deist that my concept is being copied...I don't mind , but U should keep count of that... I uploaded a bigger version of the icon, to see the icon better Criss.
P.S. I also have another 1 or 2 concept in mind, but will probably post in "judging mode" If I'll reach in that position...( sorry but i know deist that some "designers" change some colors and add some line's and is very close to my idea...
I like your ideas best so far. I like the little tag at the end with the .com too :) I know others are looking at the top choices and doing similar designs, I would think thats typical since they are ranked.
I re-posted the designs...(I had them removed, because i had them post to a different contest, that appear and u where undecided, but on the other contest, I just came up with a new building idea, so now the designs are avaiable for this contest..
WTF!!!! Why did you remove all the ideas for my contest???? I don't understand. Place them back or I will make a complaint about you with LogoTournament. This is crazy! You have been the only one to play these games with designs. I am pissed.
U can complain to logo tournament, but I will not post them! read the previous post (my designs are uniq, and I'm planning to sell them to a different buyer...in the future...
I created 3-4 building concept’s, that now I have them sent to a different buyer as a draft (on Elance). And now until I will have an answer from the buyer on Elance I can’t post them to Logo Tournament. (because if I will sell it on Elance I also sell copyright rights.
Maybe after, I receive the answer from Elance buyer, I will post the concepts’ that will remain available. U had 7 days to pick one...
My contest was set for 5 days... I didn't feel I have enough good designs to choose from, so I extended for another 5 days. In the meantime you provided more than a dozen different ideas, and some were nice.
So I don't see how you can say you pulled them ALL to sell to another buyer. They were all quite different. You're just playing games with me and I don't like. Take your designs and shove them! I will NOT be picking any of yours because of this bulls^%t.
If you play these games with others, you should not be allowed to participate here.