We love the fonts and layout of the fonts, but the ladies feel the bottom line looks like a vision chart slightly. Can you reduce the spacing between letters on the second line so it sits just inside the upper words? Unfortunately, up top, the boat looks more like an ocean liner, rather than a wakeboard or ski boat under 30' long. And, the mountains are too peaked...not rounded like our mountains. We like the sun and 3d look of the water.
The house looks like a snow hut...mountains are too steep and edgy. Our mountains look like our facebook profile pic: http://www.facebook.com/flathollowmarina We need more of a floating house scenario than a land house. Half of us love the text combo...looks very professional, sort of luxury.
Thanks for submitting the logo. We don't prefer the green color. The text we like is more squared off without the flared ends of the letters, if that makes sense. Can we see it too with it Marina | Resort instead of Marina & Resort maybe slightly larger, but still smaller overall in relation to the left-right distance the Flat Hollow covers? Thanks again for submitting on our project. Do you do 3d style logos, because that's really what we like?
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please feedback me .. thnks
please feedback me ... thnks