No problem! Try experimenting with even deeper shades of blue and maybe a richer shade of orange. Also, maybe make the design a little thicker! Keep it up!
I am really liking the thickness and dark blue background of numbers 33 and 34. Try maybe experimenting a little with the other two colors. You're doing great!
These are looking great! Try maybe playing around with the design a little. Maybe put a flash symbol for the eye if it looks good. Who knows? Just play around with the design and keep up the great work!
#82 This logo concept is, from the shape of birds or birds singing, a collection of photographs formed into wings, no symbols play and record, please feedback, thank you
Ok I like these newer ones a lot too. They are looking good! I still like the first one the best. Try experimenting with that one a little more. (Maybe change the eye around?) Who knows? Just keep it up!
Thank you for continuing to provide feedback and input, it was great to be able to work on your project, hopefully I can create a design that suits your expectations, once again thank you very much
I stil like the original design better, but please do keep playing around with the design (maybe change the eye to represent a symbol of some sort). I really would like to see more of you in the next round so keep up the great work!
#209 thanks for giving me the opportunity to advance to the next round, your feedback really very helpful towards my design, once again thank you very much, greetings
Ok that's great! I love this new design! Try making it slightly more defined and maybe put it in orange so it pops out more (but keep the white city in the background). I think number 209 could be a winner, but only if you change around the colors. Please get back to me as quickly as you can with as many color variations as possible (orange, green and blue themed). Keep it up!
thanks so much for a great opportunity in my design, I really feel honored, I will keep trying, in order to create a design that suits your expectations.
I fear what happened to my account, because the concept of wearing 17, you can choose the design of my other winner, who does not use the concept of skyline, and the handover process will I send designs to wear skyline, hopefully this could be a solution.
this never happens to another contest that I won, once again thank you very much.
These are good, but i still like number 208 the best. Try maybe dulling the grey to look more black, and try maybe using orange instead of blue. Keep it up!
Ok I think you will be the winner, but please remove the slogan from underneath and submit the name FlashPost (next to the app logo) in all white, all black and white and black combined. Thank you.
thanks so much for granting, opportunity and a great opportunity to me, it makes me excited, oh yes if you mean like this sir #280 #281 #282 #283??feedback please, thanks
thank you very much for choosing my design as the winner, since the handover, the logotournament can only send eps and jpeg files, I'll send another format via email, please do not hesitate to contact me, if there is a change of color, or whatever.