here is my submission. a shield-type logo with BBQ 'tools' and a flame idea incorporated. solid colors are used - no gradients- so this logo can be easily replicated with low costs to you. (many colors drive reproduction prices up). please let me know if i can improve on this for you in any way. thanks.
Great work. Just put you in first place. Let's try some gradients just to see what that does to it. Also, put some yellow and red in the flame to see how much pop we get from the color. Great first shot at it!
#26 is with gradients, shadows etc. #27 & #28 are some alternate color 1in one color and one in 2 colors
#25 is what it would look like, reversed and in one color (like you specified for screen printing on an apron)
Let me know if you have any other direction. I personally like #27 best - clean, using only 2 colors, and is still eye catching with the imagery and color contrast.